Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bowel Obstruction More Condition_symptoms How Is Surgery For A Bowel Obstruction Performed?

How is surgery for a bowel obstruction performed? - bowel obstruction more condition_symptoms

My cousin was in a serious car accident just over a month. He was sent home and could not keep food down. He had severe abdominal cramps and nausea. He is back in the hospital and now we are told, have an intestinal obstruction. He received are given a nasogastric tube to the pressure. It is still very sick. The doctors decided to do the surgery to remove the obstacle. My question is, how to perform this action, and is a major surgery or a procedure is quite normal and safe?

1 comment:

bellydoc said...

The idea of "big operation" is not precisely defined, but I would encourage any type of surgery in the abdominal cavity is likely to call "big operation".

Intestinal obstruction can be a difficult problem. The most common type of problem that leads to results of a bowel healing is formed as a "membership" after a previous operation. Most people by far, the intestinal obstructions have had a type of abdominal surgery in the past. It is also possible that other sources of "trauma" in the belly of the execution of the accessions, and if internal bleeding after the crash of his cousin, but he has never had a surgery, adhesions are a little more than one.

In such cases, the bowel to the side of the body cavity or adjacent segments of the intestine is connected by bands of scar. These bands are usually harmless, but if you accidentally a point where the bowel folds in on itself, or money, or if there is a gap in a neighboring segmentIntestine can be absorbed, so the intestine can block much of a pipe with a bend in it.

Usually this kind of thing is not 100% block and with the rest of fading alone. However, if the handicap of 100% for blockage, if there is evidence that a segment of bowel care at the point stuck in it has lost its blood supply and dies, or if there is a long period in which the symptoms not disappear, then surgery is necessary.

Surgery usually involves the release of these scars inappropriate with scissors, and if a segment of intestine has become very corrupt, then you have to be withdrawn under certain circumstances and remains connected. People tend to be very well tolerated, no long-term effect. You can actually lose a little of the length of the intestine and stay healthy.

Now I know nothing about the medical history of his cousin, so I can not say whether this is the expected pattern of events in your case. If, indeed, had no previous surgery, and recently against anyAbdominal injury, this may be too late now signs of a "missed injury" if something was in his stomach hurt in the accident, but the signs were there. Now they are. It can be bent or torn muscle tissue from a loop of intestine as a tube. It could be a segment of bowel was injured and there is a scar. There is even an independent could be a tumor, but now, after a collision in the system, there is no trace of him.

The surgery is performed when a definitive diagnosis is not clear that the so-called "exploration". Her cousin, should be examined. The answer is obvious, and the surgeon must decide how best to deal with him at this time. The surgeon "Running the bowel" from one extreme to another, and personally verify that all channels are operational before the transaction is completed.

Something like that is a reasonable standard surgical situation every surgeon who is well prepared to deal with.

Best wishes!

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